EULAW national seminar in Bulgaria



EUropean LAWyers training on EPPO PROJECT organized by International Legal Advice Center with the financial support of the European Union, Justice Programme 2014-2020.



The National Seminar is going to take place at Grand Hotel Millenium Sofia, and is going to be streamed LIVE. One day training of 9½ hours, starting 9.00 am till 18.30 pm, separate into 6 sessions.


EULAW National Seminar SOFIA 15.04.2022


This training will make legal practitioners and more particular lawyers  familiar with the  European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), its prerogatifs, means of  achiving them and obligations towards the  other partisipants in the process. The training will phocus on the practical aspects of the work of defence lawyers and will cover some of the key topics like defence in cross-border investigations and in EPPO proceedings, structure, status and competences of the EPPO, legal aid in the EU

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Among the participants will be selected 5 lawyers who will be invited to participate to the Transnational Workshop in Sofia in July 2022 and 5 to participate to the Transnational Workshops in Madrid, Spain in 2022.



Please do not visit this national seminar if you are suffering from any health symptoms associated with COVID-19, if you have been in close contact with an individual confirmed as COVID-19 positive, or are under any quarantine/self-quarantine orders.


  • Mask_Black
    Face masks

    Visitors are required to wear face masks at all times.

  • Social Distancing_Black
    Social distancing

    Social-distancing regulations of at least two metres between people.

  • janitor_room_Black

    All venues and common areas are regularly cleaned and sanitised.

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    Hand-sanitiser stations are positioned at regular intervals throughout the site.

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    Medical services

    Appropriate facilities and specialist staff are available to manage any potential medical issues on site.

PROGRAM FOR 15.04.2022


  • 08:30h. – 09.00h. – Registration
  • 9.00h. – 10.30h. – Session 1

 Structure, status and competences of the EPPO. Competences of EPPO in cross-border investigations

In this session we involve delegated European prosecutors, as well as prosecutors from EU member states

 10.30h.-12.00h. – Session 2

 Procedural safeguards in the EU and in EPPO proceedings. The PIF Directive and its implementation in the EU Member States.

In this session we involve representatives of the EU member states Bar associations who have faced transnational cases of fraud with EU funds

 Lunch break – 12.00h.- 13.00h.


  • 13.00h.– 14.30h.- Session 3

Judicial review and remedies in EPPO proceedings. Judicial review by ECJ and by national courts

In this session we involve judges from the ECJ and from EU member states who will be responsible for the execution of the judicial control over EPPO acts.

  14.30h.- 16.00h. – Session 4  

Case studies solving

Speakers from the previous sessions will be guiding the trainings through the case studies solving.


Coffee Break – 16.00h. – 16.30h.


  • 16.30h.-18.00h.- Session 5

Networking. Case studies solving.

Speakers from the previous sessions will be guiding the trainings through the case studies solving.


  • 18.00h.-18.30h.- Session 6

Discussion and Solving of the cases Q&A.


• Elena Popova, European Delegated Prosecutor
• Dimitar Belichev, European Delegated Prosecutor
• Svetlana Shopova – Koleva, European Delegated Prosecutor
• Daniel Shostak, Prosecutor, Specialized Prosecutor’s Office
• colonel Petio Slavov Petkov, Judge, Military Court of Appeal
• Stanimir Kombalov, Attorney at law, Chairman of the Sliven Bar Association, participant in the EULAW Project Lecturer Training
• Vladimir Stefanov, Attorney at law, participant in the EULAW Project Lecturer Training
• Bozhidar Yanushev, Attorney at law, participant in the EULAW Project Lecturer Training

Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso-Onlus

Project Leader

Université du Luxembourg

Sveuciliste U Zagrebu - Pravni Fakultet

Unione Camere Penali Italiane (UCPI)

Consejo General de la Abogacia Espanola (CGAE)

International Legal Advice Center

EULAW: EUropean LAWyers training on EPPO, is co-funded by the European Union within the Justice programme 2014-2020and implemented by the Consortium composed by the above mentioned parties

Need help?

g.hristova AT

+3598 7777 2602