About Our Team
International Legal Advice Center
Ginka Hristova
Founder At 2015 elected as a member of the Disciplinary court of the SBA, Me. Hristova graduated cum laude from University of National and World Economy, Faculty of Law (LL.M. 2007) and specialized European Law in University of Nice II, France and after Intellectual property & E-commerce in WIPO Academy. Currently she is attending Internet and Society: Technologies and Politics of Control course at Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University.
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- European Law 100%
- Intellectual property 90%
- E-commerce 100%
- Cyberlaw 100%
- E-government 100%
- ISP liability 90%
- Litigation 90%
- Net neutrality 100%
Slavi Tankein
Co-Founder Slavi started his career in one of the biggest law firms in Bulgaria – Batkov & Assocs, initially as legal associate professional, gaining six years of experience. During this time he has represented writers, filmmakers, musicians, and others who rely on fair use in creating their works. Moving later to one of the biggest Bulgarian insurance companies – Lev Ins AD, where he was heading the Law Department for regresses and working on the company security policy.
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- Web Programming 80%
- Intellectual property 100%
- Cyberlaw 100%
- Privacy 90%
- Mediation 100%
- Regulation of broadband networks 90%
- Net neutrality 100%


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Резюметата на продукти са едни от най-интересните и полезни видове съдържание, на което инфлуенсърите се спират, за да привличат нова аудитория, но и за да задържат досегашните си последователи. Съставянето на отзиви, обаче, крие някои правни рискове, които изобщо не...
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