Education for tomorrow 

International Legal Advice Center

ILAC is committed to helping people, government and private organizations achieve their public or business strategies and providing outstanding education for a wide array of topics and legal areas. We are recognized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, and other organizations like Harvard University and Stanford University.

Anti money laundering

A partnership with Hristova & Todorov law firm, we provide courses and trainings about AML compliance, considering European and outside EU laws.


Copyright X is a course under the auspices of Harvard Law School. It is brought to Bulgaria by ILAC, the official Harvard affiliate for the course in Bulgaria.

Data protection

In partnership with DPA.BG, we provide full course for Data Protection Officer or further education for any other Privacy Professional. We provide trainings for company staff and online tests.


We are and officially recognized organization for educating mediators in Bulgaria. We provide general mediation courses and also Specialized mediation courses. Learn More…

Be a professional and trust professionals.

Copyright X

CopyrightX is a twelve day networked course that has been offered annually since 2013 under the auspices of Harvard Law School, the HarvardXdistance-learning initiative, and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. ILAC is the official Harvard affiliate for the course in Bulgaria.

Data Protection Alliance

The Data protection Alliance has been created before the start of the data privacy regulation uproar in the recent years. Created by top legal and information security professionals, we continue to be the best choice for all. We are providing businesses and individuals with specific knowledge that is both useful and can pass a legal audit. We perform trainings for staff, and also individuals who seek to further their career. No prior legal or data education is needed.  

ILAC in partnership with DPA.BG provides privacy consultancy services for public authorities and private entities. We are external DPO of the Ministry of Justice, Medical Audit Agency, numerous financial sector companies and major players in the medical services, retail industry and e-commerce. During our years of work, we have been continuously partnering with internationally recognized companies and organizations such as Google, Harvard university(link), Stanford university (link).

Having ILAC and DPA.BG as your designated EU/EEA Representative or your external Data Protection Officer (DPO), you can benefit from the legal services provided by our lawyers, authorized to represent clients in lawsuits before all the EU countries jurisdictions. Our legal team is the only one who has been participating in all landmark lawsuits regarding the Data protection in Bulgaria.

A team of competent legal, IT and compliance experts work together in order to cover all aspects of the privacy issues you might come across.

Based in Sofia, Bulgaria, we are situated in the European hub of the Data Protection compliance activities and has strong operational engagement and excellent working relationship within the authorities. ILAC executives have experience with regulators in many European, US and Middle East jurisdictions for more than 10 years.

Our diverse customer base provides us with a wealth of experience and capabilities to be able to deal with any data protection or security challenge. Our operations office is open 24-7, allowing to meet any customer challenge, including Data Breach Management and fast-track tactical urgent advice where needed anywhere in the world.

  • External DPO
  • Consultancy
  • EEA Representation
  • DPO courses
  • Syndicate


  • General Mediation Course

With the course you will be able to choose and lead a mediation process. You will gain a deeper understanding of workplace and international conflict resolution. During the course you will acquire fundamentals of negotiation. After this course, you will be able to: Define what a mediation is and choose when to use it; List different types of mediation; Identify typical challenges and difficulties that most mediators face; Choose the adequate strategies within a repertoire of options; Identify the do’s and don’ts in mediation. This course offers lectures from leading experts, interactive questions, case studies, practice and graded quizzes.

  • Specialized Mediation courses

Designed as a logical follow on from the suite of the General Mediation Course in negotiation, this course about mediation and conflict resolution teaches a whole set of additional skills and approaches specific for the field of (specific fields). Developed by pure practitioners in negotiation and mediation, this course provides you with a meaningful and effective bouquet of practical cases, tools, approaches and skills to put your mediation into high-impact practice.


123 Knyaz Boris I Str. 
Sofia, Bulgaria, PC 1000


office (at)