ILAC Internship Program


ILAC and Department of Information Policy and Governance University of Malta

International Legal Advice Center (ILAC), in cooperation with Department of Information Policy and Governance at the University of Malta, sponsors a one-month internship for talented law students with an interest in Intellectual Property (IP) law and policy through the ILAC Internship Program.

The Department of Information Policy and Governance, headed by Prof. Joseph A. Cannataci, LL.D, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy, is involved in a number of major international research projects dealing with the societal impact of new technologies. Some of the  most recent Department’s projects included FP7 European projects in the area of Security (SMART – Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technologies), socio-economic science (CONSENT – Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy) and Science and Society (SET-DEV – Technology-driven rules in emerging economies).

The intern will be assigned to work under the guidance of Dr. Oleksandr Pastukhov, a Senior Lecturer and Information Governance Co-ordinator at Department who acts as deputy co-ordinator of the MAPPING project and a WP leader in the MAPPING, EVIDENCE and CITYCoP projects.

The intern shall receive a monthly stipend of 800 EUR which are to cover lodging and additional expenses. ILAC also covers separetelly the costs transportation (return plane ticket Sofia-Malta). It is not a salary or honorarium and it is not intended to cover the intern’s continuing expenses. Insurance against work-related accidents will be provided by the University of Malta.

Eligibility and Appointment

We seek highly motivated law students with strong academic credentials and a demonstrated interest in IP law, especially in its digital aspects. Candidates for internship position must either presently be enrolled in, or have graduated from, an accredited law school. They should have an excellent command of the English language as the working language during the internship will be English.

In addition, they have to present an essay on the following topic:

“Legal risks associated with IP protection and ways to mitigate them”

Maximum length: 5 pages (Times New Roman, 12pt)

By participation to the competition all applicants agree to have their essays published to ILAC Magazine under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Application and Selection Process:

Applications are accepted till 20th of May 2017.

The Internship starts on 1st of July 2017 and is of one month duration till 31st of July 2017

To apply, students are requested to submit their CV, a photo, and the Essay meeting the above requirements. The essay should be reflective of the candidate’s own writing (i.e., that it has not been substantially edited by others)

Contact information (full name, university, year of study, faculty number, address, email address and phone number).

Candidates should email those materials, combined into a single document file (preferably in a PDF format) that is labeled (with subject of the mail) with the applicant’s name and Malta Internship (for example, “Jane Smith Malta Internship “) to: and with Cc to

Please ensure that your application is complete and sent to the correct email address. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Those candidates who are found most qualified to move forward in the selection process will be contacted to schedule an interview at the ILAC office. The interview will be held by an ILAC representative and/or University of Malta representative via Skype, video or telephone conference.

ILAC does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other non-merit factor. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply.

If you have questions or require additional information, please contact the ILAC Office on or +359898712668.